Thursday 4 October 2012

RLJ 4/10/12

After yesterday I was still feeling a bit down and doubting my own ability a bit. To start with we were still continuing with our animations (not happy with mine, looks like a disaster)

Today Neil wanted us to make a 747 plane in Maya from an plan image displaying what it should look like from the front, the top, and the side. We had to separate these plan images in Photoshop and alter the scale of  these images so that they're all a good size to create a 3D plan blueprint for the plane. To do this, Neil went through how to import these images into Maya and then showed us a better way to make the model using the plan images, by creating a box that was size equivalent to our images.

Plan images we needed to edit in Photoshop before applying them for textures for our image boxes in Maya.

Learned how to reverse the normals in Maya, which basically means you can see the model from the inside out. We then had to attach this to a layer, similar to Photoshop, and make the layer a Reference type layer, so we don't keep on clicking on the box when modelling the actual plane from these source images.

An early development image for the plane in Maya, which shows a reversed textured image box, so that it's easier for me to know what I'm building in Maya. 

We continued to build the plane for the rest of the day, which I did really enjoy doing, and I am really pleased with the progress I have made today.

How far I got by the end of the day with my plane. I feel really pleased with how much I've got done today, and feel really pleased with my progress, feeling much better than yesterday.

However, one thing that's worrying me in particular is how well I'm getting on with the people on my course, because I feel I probably don't interact with them as much as they interact with each other, even though I feel that there are a few that I feel I get on with quite well. I've also been thinking about the possibility of meeting up with people I know in college from other courses during my breaks at college, because I've been very lonely during all my college breaks this week, which to be honest has affected my mood both in and outside of college. I spoke to Lisa, my support about this, and she  gave me advice in if I wanted to meet up with some of my other friends in college from other courses, I should try and message them over Facebook or something like that, asking if they did want to meet up during college breaks. I feel this is good advice, but I feel I would need some extra help in knowing what to say, and also finding the confidence in asking them to meet up during college breaks. I feel that gaining the confidence to ask people if they wanted to meet up during college breaks would be something I would really like to work towards, and also feeling sure myself that these people I want to meet up with also want to meet up with me during college breaks.

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