Tuesday 16 October 2012

RLJ 16/10/12

Felt very sleepy in this afternoon's lesson, today was just one of those days where I'm just tired from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. HALF TERM NEEDS TO HURRY UP!

In this afternoon's lesson, to start off with we discussed influences, and Neil showed us a lot of his influences from a wide variety of categories, such as non fiction text, fiction text, TV, film, places, buildings, people, music, even in dance! This did make me think quite a lot, because I feel I do have many different influences in a lot of different areas. Neil also handed out this student questionaire written by David Smith (I think that was his name) in 1953.

Also discussed ILPs as well as going through what is expected of us next week with our PowerPoints. I started and finished my PowerPoint I need to present to the class on Op Art this weekend.

Still feel bothered about a couple of things regarding college that wasn't much of a problem last year. I'm still finding it hard to make friends with the Foundation Degree students, and I feel that it's going to be hard to now because everyone now seems in a comfortable circle of friends. I do have friends in college that aren't in the classes I'm in but I only really see them by chance. I really wish there was more consistency in who I spend time with during my breaks at college, and I hope I'll still be able to get further help with this, and I feel I would enjoy and look forward to coming to college a lot more if I did have more consistency with friendships, because right now, I only really see the people I consider friends from other courses by chance.

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