Thursday 11 October 2012

RLJ 11/10/12 (Mum's Birthday!)

Because today was my mum's birthday, and we're sure to celebrate, I was hoping that today's lesson wouldn't be too challenging, even though we were gong to start a new design brief in designing an enclosure suitable for penguins, which will include us researching into penguin enclosures, environments and buildings made in 3D, and 3D animated penguins and other characters, which we'll have to use to design the enclosure, build it in Maya, and build and animate a penguin to go into the enclosure. And we have to do all this in 2 weeks! It's going to be tough, and a lot of work to be crammed into finishing before the end of October.

When I first got the brief, I started to think of a clear plan in my head of how I would manage my time in my project, because I was also thinking a lot about other commitments in my life, as well as other things. At first I was happy with this plan, because I didn't think that I would have too much to do at any one time but Neil did mention that I didn't leave any time for potential errors in this project, so I thought I would try to adjust my original plan slightly, and, after thinking about it, I feel that there are some things in my original plan I could try to adjust. I don't really want to spend too much time modelling my penguin, so I should be able to finish that next week.

As I was starting to research, I thought of a lot of things that I could use in the research at home, and I was thinking throughout that I would have preferred to do the research and development sketches at home, ready to build in Maya at college for next week. I actually thought of quite a few characters that could help me build my penguin though, and found a few good examples of enclosures for penguins, as well as researched into the penguin's natural habitat, the requirements for these fussy penguins to live in, such as they all need to live near water, and some species are adapted to colder climates, whereas others will live in warmer and more rocky areas. All species of penguin live in the southern hemisphere too.

Several sources that helped me with my research include:

File:Beijing Zoo penguin.JPG

These websites all had decent enclosures I liked, that I thought could inspire my enclosure design.

This website discussed penguin habitats and living requirements, which really helped me to understand what kinds of things I need to include in my penguin pool in order for the penguins to live, such as water.
These websites included penguin characters that I could take inspiration from.

I also gained primary research from the following places:
Wii Fit Plus (Penguin Game)
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (Waterpark scene)
Madagascar (Penguin scene, "smile and wave, boys")

and also for inspiration for waterslides to make it fun for the little penguins:

Seeing as I associate penguins with living in the cold, I want to design an enclosure best suited to the species of penguin that like to live in the cold, so I researched icy habitats, as seen in the film Happy Feet. However, as I felt a bit rushed to think of ideas today, I'm not 100% happy with my sketches of my enclosure designs so far. I also wanted to try and add an element of fun and creativity to my enclosure design, so I would like to try and include something natural that the penguins can play with, such as a slide or something along those lines. Maybe even a sledge made out of ice, because penguins can also be associated with Christmas, but that may not be very practical.

As I have said, I'm not terribly pleased with my sketches yet, as I've felt that I have been rushed for ideas, and a lot of information has been given out about what is expected of us in this brief today, and I would have felt a lot better if I had a bit more time to think of enclosure ideas, and I think this would produce better ideas. I have also noticed something significant about myself today. I have noticed that I tend to do things in my own way, rather than in the ways other people want me to do things. This shows to me that I am very much my own person and maybe quite free spirited.

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