Thursday 27 September 2012

RLJ 27/09/12

This morning we had to continue with our debating session, which again I found incredibly tough, especially because as soon as I got to college, two of the students were making fun of the way I spoke in the debate yesterday, which to be honest, did upset me as I did find yesterday difficult and I did try my best, even though I didn't feel terribly confident in what I was saying.

After Neil recapping yesterday, I had to have some time out of the room with Lisa, my support helper in the class, to try and calm me down so I could carry on with my day. I went out of the room for a while to speak to Lisa about what just happened and the events of this week and how well she, Linda and Jane (my other helpers) all thought I’ve been handling the stresses and challenges this week, which did make me feel better, but still needed to calm down for a bit. She also commented on my strength of character, how I am always able to overcome things, my determination to get things done and that the two students that upset me this morning shouldn’t have said what they did to me. I really do appreciate having support and having people that I can talk to whenever I have a problem, I feel this helps me to cope a lot better at college, and I feel I really benefit from having support.

The debate went much better than yesterday, as I had a lot more to talk about and that I could actually relate to the point of view I had to express, unlike yesterday. I felt a lot more confident in what I was talking about as well. Neil did say that it did go a lot better, and he said that I probably did find today's debate was a lot easier for me because I actually meant what I said, when I was talking about how the 3D graphics in the Avengers helped improve the film. Neil also said that nobody really likes student debates, and he wished he could have said that I didn’t have to take part because of how stressed it had made me, and he said it did remind him of the time when I was first introduced to unwrapping models, and how stressful I found that at first (to be honest, I can’t really remember how I found the first time I was first introduced to unwrapping models, but it can be a difficult and very time consuming process)

I remember in my spare time watching the special features of the Avengers Assemble movie, which went into detail about how the movie was filmed, and what special and 3D effects are used. For instance, Iron Man's suit is all made from CGI, to make it easier and safer to film for the actors. It also makes things that would be humanly impossible possible in movies. The alien army were also made from CGI and the stuntsmen who played the alien army were just in very simple one piece suits. The knowledge I gained from watching the Avengers Assemble special features really helped with writing up my debate, as well as giving me a broader understanding of how 3D special effects are used to enhance movies.

After the debate we carried on working on the 3D model the room we have most of our lectures in, BE301, Neil gave me some very positive and constructive feedback on what I’d done with the room so far, and showed me a couple more techniques to use in Maya. I was showed how to make better legs for my chair, by using the Special Duplicate tool, and managing to rotate them to a certain angle by using this technique. Before this, I had to move the Pivot Point, the point of a model you move, scale, or rotate around, by holding the D key, like I had to just there, while clicking and moving the pivot point. I remember using these techniques briefly in one project last year, where we had to make a modern French Villa, which wasn't my favourite project, as Maya kept on playing up when trying to build the Villa. Also, I don't want to go into an architectural job anyway, but I think it was just trying to get me used to certain tools.

This afternoon we continued to model and texture parts of the room. I’m feeling really happy with how my room is looking in Maya, and have enjoyed making it so far.

I feel it's been a very difficult, stressful, emotional and tough week, and I'm just glad I've managed to get through it, and I feel I've done very well in carrying on through this week, despite finding it tough.

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